How many of your clients come in with complaints about their sleeping patterns? Most likely, there are more than you might hope. Barring any medical causes for a client’s inability to sleep (and we should always recommend medical checkups for clients), the therapist will want to work with the client to explore any underlying causes.
Are you like lots of mental health pros who, when faced with this year’s tax bill, are having trouble getting it all to add up? Taxes can be tricky, and the immense weight of paying them can feel overwhelming.
There are two ways hypnotherapy can help. First, you can engage in a session with a Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist®
The word “detox” has crept into the lexicon of our society with remarkable speed. It’s a popular abbreviation for “detoxification,” as just about everyone knows, and the idea behind it is powerful. It involves the removal of toxic substances, whether it be from our bodies, our minds, our lifestyles, or from the various
Attention Deficit is a fairly common malady that afflicts millions. Many are diagnosed and medicated, while others struggle through life, undiagnosed and untreated. There are also a lot of people who would rather not take medication, and favor finding alternative ways to manage their condition, or augment their pharmaceutical treatment plans.
People can be puzzling, and unraveling the knots and tangles in their personalities is a Herculean task. As a mental health professional, you may often wonder why a grown adult reacts to a confrontation with authority using the emotional intelligence of a five-year-old child. Even if you’ve figured that out, getting a client to see the reasons
Any psychology text will tell you. Success in life, and even the most basic ability to cope, is dependent on the development of a healthy ego. Most clients come to us with some damage to their basic sense of self. Others come in with mere fragments of self-identity and very little confidence.
Clients aren’t the only ones suffering
Does “going to work” have to mean “back to the grind?” Not when you love, or at least like, what you do. Therapists hear a lot of complaints from clients who don’t like their work, dislike their colleagues and generally see the way they make a living as a source of unhappiness.
Not everyone can be fortunate
Anyone who has undergone chemotherapy, or knows a loved one who has, has probably become familiar with what is commonly called “chemo brain.” Jennifer Kilkus, writing for Psychology Today, tells us that
“Peace on Earth” is often bandied about as a wish for the holiday season, and it is definitely a general desire for most people all year long. Despite the popularity of that idea, we all know that bringing peace to the whole planet is a job no one human, or even 8 billion of them working in concert, can hope to achieve.