The crisis this planet has faced over the last two years has forced humanity to deal with a huge amount of restriction and change. The list of things one can’t do has changed in length from one moment to the next, and really, the only thing we can predict is that the amount of human contact will be restricted. With each change, we might see one another more or less, but even two years after the outbreak of the pandemic, many of us still find ourselves in isolation.

We remember with great fondness those wonderful networking meetings, lectures, and conferences we used to share. We’d hug our friends, dive into deep conversations, and catch up on what was new in our lives. Once the pandemic hit, all these events and meetings got cancelled. Even in person visits with our patients and clients became verboten, and we thought twice before visiting friends and family.

The sad facts of isolation

Your own anecdotal experiences, let alone those of your clients or patients, would be enough to tell you just how much isolation impacts the human spirit. Scientists have evaluated the effects of social distancing, masking, and the lack of human contact, and have corroborated what most of us have suspected: spending too much time alone makes it hard to be human.

Human beings are social animals. When people are placed in isolation, they suffer both physically and emotionally. Loneliness makes it harder to deal with stressful situations, too, so withstanding the fear that comes with living in the COVID-19 society becomes overwhelming.

People suffer from depression, panic disorders, anxiety, and they begin to think less clearly. Their ability to process information becomes impaired, and some even get to a point where they exhibit paranoid behavior. Isolation can even affect the body’s ability to fight disease because the emotional distress they experience taxes the immune system.

Therapists are human, too

Anyone who has been conversing with clients over the last two years wouldn’t dispute any of these scientific findings. Mental health practitioners are faced with patients presenting with the disturbing consequences of social isolation, and mental health professionals are dealing with them too! Although we “see” people through Zoom or telehealth, we are still restricted to interactions mostly with our patients and clients, and not very many other people.

Because of this, we may begin to experience a feeling of detachment from our “circle” of fellow therapists and healers, relatives and friends. Within the Wellness community, we have had to make many adjustments in order to keep our programs going. Going online is very different from meeting in person, as we once did, but we have found that everything from Six-Day trainings to Mentors meetings can be conducted on Zoom with great success.

Even without the hugs, the long walks and shared meals, The Wellness Institute has managed to re-invent programs and make adaptations so this transformative work can be done over the Internet. On top of enjoying the sense of community we have always cherished, there have been unexpected blessings that have come through these adjustments.

Now, people are able to participate more fully, because they don’t have to travel to get to their sessions. Participants, teachers and assistants, even those with family responsibilities and physical limitations, can benefit from and support Wellness programs.

The other blessing is that working over the Internet makes it possible to reach all around the world. Without the expense of travel and accommodations more people from a vast array of countries have become part of the Wellness community.

Make new connections and renew old friendships with Wellness programs

What about you? Are you longing to connect with people who have the same passion you do, to help others while pursuing your own healing journey? Don’t let travel restrictions and fears of infection stop you. Enroll in a Wellness program and tap into a network of practitioners who take a marvelous and magical approach to cutting edge modalities such as Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, and Breathwork.

All our programs are held via Zoom, and teachers and assistants are trained to support students as they go through the intimate processes that take place as we study and work together. Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification  is the place to start. You can become a hypnotherapist and incorporate this transformational psychotechnology into your practice in a very short period of time. This program gives you the foundation you need to expand your practice and help more clients with our Trim-Life® Weight Release Program, if you so choose.

Once you complete the Six Day program, the Advanced Internship awaits. Here, you can go deeper into topics such as treating codependency, addiction, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and relationship issues as you fine-tune your technique and continue your own healing.

After that, join a PTI® (Personal Transformation Intensive) Leadership program so you can conduct your own workshops with clients and potential patients in your community. You’ll take them through a modified version of the Internship program, allowing them to experience the healing power that only a group of fellow seekers can provide.

If you’ve already finished Internship and PTI Leadership programs, consider connecting with a Mentors group! These deep experiences lead you into the world of Jungian psychology and provide tools you can use for your clients’ as well as your further healing and growth.

Perhaps you are ready to expand your scope of practice to include Coaching. Take a look at our Transpersonal Life Coaching Certification Program and consider beginning your training in February.

Don’t let the COVID confinement blues get you down. Get connected, or come back to Wellness now!


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Contact Des to enroll in your program and connect with The Wellness Institute network of practitioners.
