It’s that time of year. As January begins, people almost robotically address that question, “What’s your resolution for the new year?” Clients, and those of us who work to support their mental health, have a list of things we would like to change. conducted a poll that showed 48% of people wanted to improve their physical fitness, while 36% wanted to achieve better mental health. Those with a desire to improve finances amounted to 38%, while 34% wanted to lose weight, and 32% resolved to improve their diet. Smaller percentages of respondents mentioned items such as traveling more, meditating regularly, and drinking less alcohol. 
All of these “New Year’s Resolutions” provide productive ways for all of us to make positive changes. However, the piece also points out that only 20% of the people who responded to their survey believed they would be able to hold themselves accountable.  

Support your clients - and yourself - with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy 

While it’s true that you can help to hold clients responsible for keeping their resolutions in their regular talk sessions, there is a more effective way to ensure their success. Hypnotherapy provides clients with positive ways of achieving change that affects their lives.  
Working with clients in this way is especially effective when people want to change their habits and behaviors, because it facilitates communication between the conscious mind. This allows them to become consciously aware of impulses that trigger undesired behaviors, and make different choices. 
Hypnosis permits the client to receive suggestions about their behavior, and this can be quite powerful in and of itself. Hypnotherapy, which includes age regression, goes even more deeply into the person’s psyche, enabling them to discover the source of the behavior they want to eradicate. 
You can master hypnosis in two days, and learn hypnotherapy in less than a week through online courses at The Wellness Institute. The Introduction to Hypnosis class teaches you how to induce and manage trance and offer suggestions that help clients work with their undesired habits, anxiety, and even excessive physical discomfort. 
The Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program provides the same training in basic hypnosis, and goes deeper through the use of Age Regression. You’ll learn to treat trauma resulting from codependency, addictions, eating disorders, mind-body issues, birth-related trauma, and more.  

Hypnotherapy Training - a great resolution for you! 

Hypnotherapy training at The Wellness Institute will benefit you in two important ways. 

  1. You wil get to experience your own healing within the training program! Practice sessions with your peers will give you the chance to participate in two rounds of sessions, wherein you’ll be therapist, observer, and client. 
  2. You can expand your practice with programs such as Trim Life® for weight release and Clean Break® for smoke-free living. In addition, Advanced Training at The Wellness Institute will provide you with a supportive network of professionals who share your interest in personal growth and the ability to facilitate group programs that will extend your reach to even more clients. 

The Wellness Institute also offers training in EMDR and Transactional Analysis.  Wellness courses, in most cases, will allow you accrue the CE Units you need for 2024. 
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy will help you and your clients live up to the promises they and you make for 2024 and beyond. Don’t delay!  
Make 2024 the year when you expand your skills and find new and effective ways to help your clients. Enroll in the