Anger is the one emotion most people don’t like to be around. Whether an individual is feeling angry or being the brunt of someone else’s anger, exposure to this emotion is rarely pleasant. Anger affects physical as well as mental health, and has a huge impact on the ability to sustain healthy relationships. Psychologists often address people’s experiences with anger in articles and interviews intended to inform the general population. 

This particular piece from a popular women’s site, YourTango, recognizes the ubiquitous nature of anger, and how it causes problems in people’s relationships. The therapists who are quoted also point out that anger often arises when people have been traumatized. The article goes on to recommend some measures people can take to avoid expressing anger, but whether this is the right way to handle it is questionable.

Trauma does, quite rightfully, incite anger in victims, but because, it is almost never expressed at the time the traumatic experience takes place, it remains unexpressed. Trauma victims often go into a state of shock, which will cause them to disconnect from their emotions. Also, they may be under further threat if they were to speak back to a perpetrator, or they may be unable to express their feelings in a situation such as an accident, criminal attack, or war.

What happens to anger when it isn’t expressed?

Because an emotion as powerful as anger doesn’t go away without being discharged. It remains in the psyche, where it is often released inappropriately. A triggering incident that is quite minor might set off a long-withheld torrent of angry expression that emerges like a steaming geyser from a person’s emotional being.

Expressing anger isn’t always a negative response, inasmuch as it does help to release frustration. However, when irritation about a current and very minor situation is expressed with the rage of a victim whose life has been threatened, many problems arise. Not only do undue levels of anger serve to damage relationships, but explosive overreactions involving anger also create problems with an individual’s self-esteem, when they become ashamed of their behavior.

Emotional Release in Hypnotherapy: Relief and Healing

A better solution for a person who carries suppressed anger is to release it appropriately and safely, through a corrective experience in response to previous trauma. This is accomplished with Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® as it is taught at The Wellness Institute. 

In Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy®, the client is placed in a light trance, to facilitate communication between the conscious and subconscious parts of the brain. Once the individual gets in touch with the emotion, which could be anger or any other troublesome feeling, they go to the most recent time they felt it. After being encouraged to express the emotion, the client is then taken into past experiences that are connected to the feeling of anger through age regression. 

This is where the deep healing work can be accomplished. The client will allow a traumatic situation to arise wherein the same emotion was experienced. This takes them back to the source of the anger, and then allows them to express it safely and appropriately, to the person who originally provoked it.

Once appropriately released, the anger is no longer sitting within the person’s psyche. The client increases awareness of the origins of emotions, and can separate past traumatic experiences from current situations before “exploding” with inappropriate behavior.

It’s worth noting that Diane Zimberoff, co-founder of The Wellness Institute, sees anger as a “blanket” that often covers other emotions. When this is the case, and a person is using anger as insulation from such feelings as hurt, sadness, fear, or shame, expressing the anger will help them get to these underlying emotions, and get a chance to process and release them as well. 

The kind of healing Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® has to offer frees people from the prison they create by carrying anger about incidents that occurred decades ago. It also empowers therapists and other healing professionals to facilitate healing in their clients, by helping them to reclaim control over their behavior, and their lives.

Contrary to what you might believe, learning hypnotherapy is a short and transformative process, when you enroll in the Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program at The Wellness Institute. In less than a week, the program covers and provides:

  • basic hypnosis techniques
  • age regression and emotional release
  •  treatment with hypnotherapy for codependency, addiction, sexual abuse, eating disorders, dissociation, children’s issues, and trauma.
  • an online didactic and experiential learning environment with live, teachers, assistants, and a cohort group
  • the opportunity to experience healing through Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy as you learn how to practice it
  • ways to incorporate hypnotherapy into your sessions and expand your practice

The Wellness Institute is a diverse and flexible institution. For example, if you simply want to explore hypnosis, learn how to manage trance and give post-hypnotic suggestions, you can enroll in our Two Day Introduction to Hypnosis Course. If upon completion, you move on to the Six Day Program, you will receive a substantial discount. 

The learning doesn’t stop with these two programs. Many students choose to expand their skills and deepen their healing experience with our Advanced Programs. Here it is possible to add to your toolbox of transpersonal techniques with Breathwork, Psychodrama, Hypnodrama, and more. 

Why struggle with clients who can’t seem to manage their anger? Allow them to get to the source of their negative feelings and heal them completely with Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy®. Classes are filling fast, so don’t delay.