Transactional analysis is a way of understanding communication that acknowledges the different parts, or versions, of the self each human consists of. TA identifies three basic parts within each person: the child ego state, the parent ego state, and the adult ego state. Transactional Analysis is often recognized as the P-A-C model. 
Developed to address dysfunctional interactions in relationships, the theory addresses situations where individuals, unaware of their unconscious tendencies, react in an ego state other than the adult. It assists clients and patients in recognizing when they are responding to an interpersonal transaction as a Parent or Child. The Parent would be overbearing and authoritative, while the Child could be demanding and short sighted, as well as shy and suppressed.  
TA gained worldwide popularity when the book I’m O.K., You’re O.K.”  was published in 1967. This brought the concepts of Transactional Analysis to a huge audience, and possibly changed many relationships for the better. 
TA is very effective in helping clients to work with greater awareness about which parts they are using to respond with in different situations. If a person is encountered by a spouse, who may be using that authoritative Parent voice, an unconscious reaction might be to react with the immature, authority-bucking mentality of The Child.  
A client who is adept at using TA will be better equipped to pause, and then respond with The Adult. The spouse acting as The Parent may then be inspired to bring The Adult into the discussion from that side of the interpersonal transaction.  

Hypnotherapy and EMDR Make TA Even Better 

Transactional Analysis requires those using it as part of their therapy to master old, dysfunctional reactions by identifying them and shifting from one way of being to the other. While this is extremely useful, and millions have benefitted from it, there are ways to make Transactional Analysis even more powerful. 
Both Hypnotherapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) assist clients in accessing their subconscious minds, and improving communication with their conscious awareness. With Hypnotherapy, clients are placed in a light trance state, where they can make connections between emotions that trouble them at present, and the source of these feelings, through age regression. The process is nurturing, and allows clients to express unprocessed emotions so they can be cleared.  
Old conclusions and decisions they made about the past can be identified, and then reframed into new, healthy affirmations that lead to healthy behavior. Hypnotherapy can instantly help clients identify those old, childlike parts of their being, as well as any segments of the psyche that developed from an effort to “become” one’s parent. This can facilitate work with Transactional analysis by allowing the client to actually experience The Child and observe the parts of The Parent that might have become part of their way of being. 
EMDR works in a similar way, by giving clients access to old memories that might have been repressed or minimized, and then getting the opportunity to reprocess them. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to trigger the client’s brain to allow memories that need to be reprocessed to emerge. As they are reprocessed, traumatic memories that were “frozen” in the brain can be processed by the client’s rational faculties,  
The insight clients gain from this experience would allow them to become consciously aware of the ways they respond in communication, achieving mastery that allows them to default to using The Adult in their interpersonal transaction with more frequency. 

Learn Hypnotherapy and EMDR with The Wellness Institute 

There’s every reason, whether you are a therapist who uses Transactional Analysis or not, to study Hypnotherapy and/or EMDR at The Wellness Institute! Our live, online courses allow you to receive personal attention from our instructors, plus hands-on experience with these two powerful modalities. You also benefit from partaking in the training from the comfort of your home or office. There’s no need for added expenses due to travel, meals, or accommodations. 
The Wellness Institute has been offering high quality training programs for almost three decades. The massive community of therapists who have gone through our basic and advanced training programs is a network of like-minded professionals that will welcome and support you as you embark on your journey. If you believe Transactional Analysis is powerful and effective, wait until you experience Hypnotherapy and EMDR at The Wellness Institute. 
Fall and winter classes are filling fast. Reserve your space today.