The word “detox” has crept into the lexicon of our society with remarkable speed. It’s a popular abbreviation for “detoxification,” as just about everyone knows, and the idea behind it is powerful. It involves the removal of toxic substances, whether it be from our bodies, our minds, our lifestyles, or from the various items, including food, that we interact with and ingest. 
The first application of “detox” for most therapists might be the procedures involved in substance abuse treatment, but there are more toxins that people need and want to remove from their lives. 
Maybe you’ve tried a detox diet to reset your body’s metabolism to lose weight, or you might have insisted that your family head for the most remote campsite possible to engage in a digital detox. As long as they’re not taken to extremes, detoxification measures can be beneficial to the people who pursue them. Leslie Pepper illustrates how moderation is the key for an effective dietary detox, and the same applies to all other forms of eliminating toxins. 

Detoxify the Psyche from Poisonous Emotions with Hypnotherapy 

Substances are just the first layer of harmful influences that cause trouble for our clients—and ourselves. Emotions that have been suppressed, sometimes for decades, have horrible toxic effects on the body, mind, and psyche. In order to get to them, so that clients can be rid of them permanently, it’s necessary to go back in time and access repressed memories from the subconscious mind. 
Everything from anxiety and depression to PTSD and addiction have their roots in emotional toxins that people carry with them. How can they be released, safely, effectively, and quickly? 
By opening the channel between the subconscious and conscious parts of the mind, hypnotherapy allows the client to find the source of the emotions that are toxifying their lives. For example, when a person is easily triggered, whether by an authority figure or by someone who they have to take care of in some way, or even a random aggressive driver, they often overreact. 
The response might be totally disproportionate to the triggering event. For example, a manager or supervisor might point out to a worker how something could be done better or more efficiently, without the slightest intention of being offensive. If the worker happens to be someone who holds anger for past experiences with authority, they might become overwrought.  
They could lash out, quit their job on the spot, or continue to hold on to the toxic emotions until physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms become too much to bear. After either of these, or other less-than-optimal displays of behavior, they are likely to wind up in your office. If you know how to use hypnotherapy, you’ll be able to help them quickly get to the source of their over-reactive tendencies, and help them to heal. 

How Hypnotherapy Detoxes the Psyche 

In the hypnotherapy session, the therapist helps the client, who is induced into a light trance state, to identify the feelings that lie underneath their reaction to a recent event. Then, the client is invited to express, through speaking, crying, or even hitting down (safely) on a surface, to let the emotion be released. 
Then, the hypnotherapist bridges the current feelings to past events that arouse the same or similar feelings. Events from years past, or even from childhood, may come up. The client is given the opportunity to express the emotion(s) that they repressed at that time, attaining a corrective experience, and releasing the toxic feelings. 
Ultimately, the client identifies faulty ideas they might have had, such as “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m unlovable,” and the behavior(s) that they enacted as a result of these beliefs. Then, the client is empowered by establishing a connection with that younger version of themselves, giving their inner child the love and care that was needed, even though it may not have been received at the time or the hurtful memory. 
The client can then go back to those old beliefs and change them to positive ones. “I’m not good enough” converts to “I’m highly competent,” and becoming enraged at criticism can be changed to listening closely and responding calmly from a position of strength rather than rage. 
Hypnotherapy is an evidence based modality that can change clients’ lives for the better in a very short period of time. Adding hypnotherapy to your practice enhances your ability to help your clients to heal. It can also expand it to include people who need this kind of deep and profound work. 

Learn Hypnotherapy at The Wellness Institute 

Despite the supremely powerful effect it has, hypnotherapy is comparatively easy to learn. You can get your training in less than a week, and become certified shortly after that, when you enroll in the Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program at The Wellness Institute. Learn how to treat 

  • codependency 
  • addiction 
  • sexual abuse 
  • eating disorders 
  • birth issues 
  • children’s issues 

and more in your online training class. Your instructor will present all the materials live, and you will interact with your teacher as well as your peers, as you learn together through experiential sessions. You’ll get two chances to conduct sessions as a therapist, and to observe.  
Then, you’ll get two chances to be a client in sessions, so you’ll learn what hypnotherapy feels like. Our students rave about the experience of receiving their own healing while training, and many go on to participate in our advanced training programs. 
You’ll learn basic hypnosis techniques as part of the Six-Day Program, but if you would like to sample hypnosis before diving into hypnotherapy, we offer the Introduction to Hypnosis Course, too. If you decide to move on to the Six Day after that, you’ll receive a substantial discount. 
The Wellness Institute has decades of experience in teaching hypnotherapy with a focus on “healing the healers.” Our classes are filling fast, so don’t wait to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity.