Policy Overview: Tuition, Fees, CE, Certification and Grievance Policy and Procedure

Tuition, Fees and More


The Six-Day Hynpotherapy Certification Training Tuition:
  • $1,495.00 paid less than 30 days prior to training
  • $1,395.00 if paid more than 30 days prior to training
  • $1,295.00 if you bring a colleague
Tuition Includes:
  • Six-Days of in-person training
  • The Six-Day Hypotherapy Certification Training Notebook
  • Hypnotherapy Scripts
  • Breaking Free from the Victim Trap Book by Diane Zimberoff

Please note: Room and Board is not included in Tuition. This is an extra fee and is different in each state. Please call 1-800-326-4418 for more Room and Board pricing details.

Deposit and refund policy

There is a minimum deposit of $200 to reserve your space. Full payment is due 30 days prior to start of class.

For more information on cancellations and refunds, go to our cancellations and refund webpage.

Upon completing the course, students will leave with

  • Up to 60 CEs. Go to our In Class Continuing Education page for more information
  • A 400-page Six-Day Hypnotherapy Certification Training Manual
  • 3 essential hypnotherapy scripts plus hypnosis/suggestion scripts
  • A copy of Breaking Free from the Victim Trap by Diane Zimberoff
  • A copy of Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies
  • All documentation needed to complete student certification requirements
  • Supervision information for support while completing your 20 practice sessions
  • Eligibility for membership in The Heart-Centered Therapies Association
  • Participant packet with special offers

How are CEs obtained?

  • Attend and participate in all sections of The Six-Day Hypnotherapy Certification Training
  • Participate fully in all six Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy practice sessions
  • Complete Evaluation Form

We will send your CE's certificate via snail mail after the course is complete and you have successful completed the above tasks. An online evaluations will be sent 24 hours after course is complete. You have one week to complete the evaluation in order to receive CE Certificate.

How do I become certified?

  • Attend and participate in all sections of The Six-Day Hypnotherapy Certification Training
  • Participate fully in all six Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy practice sessions
  • Complete and document 20 practice sessions
  • Complete and return the take-home exam
  • If auditing, fulfill any additional requirements

Agreements for The Six-Day Hypnotherapy Certfication Training?

  1. I understand that to learn Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy effectively, I will participate in six sessions: two as therapist, two as client, and two as observer.
  2. I understand that the hypnotherapy practice involves deep exploration and may bring up intense memories and emotions. If I feel the need for follow up sessions, I will discuss it with my trainer.
  3. Because of the power of this work, I agree not to use any recreational drugs or alcohol during the six days of class.
  4. I agree not to make any extensive social plans on the third, fourth or fifth nights (days of the hypnotherapy sessions).
  5. To create the safety that is needed to do this work, I agree not to make sexual advances towards or to be sexual with any other participant during this training (unless, of course, we attend together and have had a previous sexual relationship.)
  6. For privacy, individual practice sessions will be held in guest rooms and supervisors will be the only ones to enter.
  7. We always honor the “1 2 3 Stop Rule” which allows anyone to call a temporary halt in their session to regain a sense of safety.
  8. I understand that photographs (audio/video recordings) are not allowed except for own personal sessions as client.
  9. I agree to maintain full confidentiality in the class.

Grievance Policy and Procedure

Grievance Policy and Procedure
While The Wellness Institute endeavors to maintain a congenial and responsive atmosphere for its CE participants conducive with its educational purposes, it recognizes that from time to time, misunderstandings and disagreements may arise during the course of a participant’s enrollment. In response to this situation, The Wellness Institute has established procedures to resolve problems and ensure fair adjudication of participants’ rights. Grievances may apply to refund requests, complaints about course content, complaints about facilities, complaints about non-receipt of certificates, or other administrative issues.

Informal Procedures

Initially, disagreements, complaints, misunderstandings, and grievances can be resolved by The Wellness Institute by using informal discussion, exchanges, persuasion, and other informal procedures. It is the intent of this policy to maximize these informal procedures so long as such measures prove effective. The formal procedure provisions of this policy should be set in motion only when the informal procedures prove to be or manifestly will be ineffective. It is expected that the great majority of cases will continue to be handled in accordance with informal procedures.


If a participant feels that he or she has been treated unfairly or unjustly by an employee, online mentor, learning coach, or instructor with regard to an academic process such as testing or assignments, the participant must submit a written statement of the grievance to The Wellness Institute’s Administrator, who is the final authority on all academic matters.

All grievances submitted by licensed social workers will be addressed by the designated social work consultant (or auxiliary) for resolution.

If a student has a grievance on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, age, marital status, national origin, physical disability, veteran’s status, any other basis prohibited by applicable US federal, state, or

local laws or any other matter, the student should contact the Administrator. The participant’s grievance will be assessed within 30 days by the Administrator in consultation with staff or consultants representing the participant’s professional discipline (for example, psychology, social work, nursing, etc.). If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting The Wellness Institute’s grievance procedure, the individual may file a complaint with the Washington State Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board. The participant must contact the Board for further details.

The State Board address is:
Private Vocational School Licensing Unit
Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board
PO Box 43105
Olympia WA  98504-3105