The Wellness Institute is famous for transformative modalities that change the lives of students and their clients. The recent changes that have taken place in our programs have made it possible to expand our offerings and allow students to benefit from the experience Heart-Centered Therapies from the comfort of their own homes and offices. 
The deep emotions and camaraderie that develop in Wellness groups is legendary, and although many people doubted it was possible, we have achieved the same results online. In-person seminars are expensive and limiting. People have to travel to be onsite, pay for room and board, and miss more time away from their families and work schedules.  
Moving our programs online has made it far easier for students to attend classes and commit to joining a long-term program such as the Advanced Internship. From the comfort of their own facilities, students can be more focused on their inner work, and less preoccupied with becoming accustomed to a strange place. In addition, working online prepares Advanced Interns to work with patients in virtual settings as well as in person. 
The online arrangements challenged teachers to formulate new and creative ways to experience the processes that are crucial to deepening skills and facilitating more profound healing. We find that the immersive processes groups are involved in are every bit as effective as they have been in person, and in some cases, more so. 
In case you were wondering, all classes are conducted live and are interactive with your teachers, your group, and the assistants. 

Jump Into Internship at The Wellness Institute

The Advanced Internship focuses on developing skills in Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® and learning how to do Heart-Centered Breathwork. By the end of the 14-15 month time period, students can confidently conduct more advanced hypnotherapy sessions and also supervise clients as they embark on the experience of breathwork. 
Students also benefit by participating in Heart-Centered Psychodrama, which externalizes the hypnotherapy experience by involving other group members as role players. These sessions enable Interns to accelerate their healing, as they are introduced to this more advanced and even more powerful modality. 
The Internship is held over 8 weekends in total, every two months. It doesn’t require a major lifestyle change to participate, and the rewards are so great. Most participants look forward to each weekend with great anticipation, and build friendships that last a lifetime. There are two main teacher-facilitators, and assistants that help tend to the students’ needs. 

The topics covered are: 

  • Codependency 
  • Addiction 
  • Sexual Abuse 
  • Mind-Body 
  • Eating Disorders 
  • Relationship Addiction 
  • Healthy Relationships 
  • Healthy Completion 

During each weekend, participants give and receive a therapeutic session, and receive in-depth analysis of how each of these issues can best be handled with Heart-Centered therapies. 

All Six-Day Grads are Eligible 

Maybe you just finished or are about to take our Six-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Course. All graduates of the Six-Day, no matter when they completed it, are eligible to join the Advanced Internship.  
If you love Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, and are either rusty or stuck when it comes to using it with grace and precision, The Advanced Internship will change all that! You’ll soon be able to handle a very wide range of issues, from birth trauma to past life regression, as they come up in your clients’ sessions. 
The Advanced Internship is an investment in your future. Not only will you receive top-notch training and experience, you will get a chance to heal your own issues to a depth you may not have thought possible. Your ability to help your clients heal will increase exponentially. Don’t wait. 

Internship #82 is starting soon!  

Enroll now  


Contact Des for more details. 
Not ready for Internship yet? 
Enroll in  
The Six-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Course!