No matter how vigilant we are about identifying what we want, and setting the goals we need to achieve in order to get what we want, life happens. People die, businesses change, relationships form, or find a way to self-destruct. How can we assist our clients, and train ourselves, to remain focused on our goals, even when events around us seem to be conspiring against us? 

Riding the Waves 

Life’s ups and downs are enough to challenge anyone, but for those who are goal-driven, they can be especially disturbing. We often help our clients to set goals for themselves. Most of them have to do with self-care and creating a better work-life balance. 
We strive from one session to the next to identify what our clients want, and the steps they need to take in order to achieve it. We lay out plans, set goals, list objectives, and create deadlines for all of it to be accomplished. The map we put together seems to be perfect, but then…life happens. 
When circumstances arrive that mean we can’t follow through with events exactly the way we plan, there’s a tendency to give up and abandon all hope of reaching those goals. It’s  easy for many people to believe that if they can’t get things to line up perfectly, there’s no use trying to get them straight at all. As therapists, we know that isn’t the case, but how can we help our clients to find a better way of thinking? 

Keeping an Even Keel 

The way toward smooth sailing comes from being happy with the middle path, and the easiest way to do this is to set priorities. By far, the most important priority for our clients is themselves. While this sounds obvious, to most people with behavioral issues, it is not. Even those with narcissistic tendencies have a self-sabotaging element to their personalities that makes it hard for them to follow through with self-affirming plans. 
It’s important for clients to understand that by keeping a high priority on caring for themselves, they will be able to manage more of what happens in their lives. They can also get in touch with emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, and feeling “not enough” and process them directly, rather than allowing these raw expressions to leak through from their unconscious, impulsive aspects into their everyday lives. 
When a disruptive event occurs, a person gets thrown off balance because the external event might trigger traumatic memories from the past. When this happens, the client not only struggles to process the external event. It also becomes necessary to deal with the triggered memories that the event brought up for the client. 

Hypnotherapy: Stability Through Communication and Regulation  

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy™ helps clients to facilitate communication between the subconscious and conscious segments of their minds. This allows them to separate outside events from triggered memories from the past. By working through the emotions associated with those memories, through the process of hypnotic regression, the client is able to clear old obstacles and place a greater focus on the present. 
This clarification of emotions gives clients the opportunity to respond appropriately to their current situations. When they place the priority on self-care, by taking time to revisit and resolve past hurts and trauma, they are better able to keep their lives on a productive course.  
Hypnotherapy can also be used to help clients work with emotions such as grief, anxiety, and fear when life begins to seem unmanageable. Rather than succumbing to the lack of control these emotions can bring on, clients can learn how to titrate their feelings, bringing them into perspective and no longer allowing them to dictate their responses to given situations. 
When clients are empowered to take charge of their lives, they can remain focused on their goals, even when life seems to toss their boats around on the stormiest of seas. Hypnotherapy can give you the ability to offer them ways to thrive, even in times of crisis, by tending to their own needs and understanding their deepest emotions. 

Make Becoming a Hypnotherapist Your Goal 

Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool for therapists, and you can become a hypnotherapist in only six days! The Wellness Institute offers a Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program that teaches you the basics of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and how to use these techniques to treat various client issues.  
You’ll take the course online with a live, real time teacher. You’ll get two chances to try your hand at hypnotherapy as a therapist, a client, and an observer, and all these sessions will be supervised by certified Heart-Centered Hypnotherapists, who will assist you. Not only will you learn how to conduct hypnotherapy sessions; you’ll get the chance to experience your own healing process. 
The Wellness Institute offers additional programs that build on the Six Day Training and Certification program. The Advanced Internship is an 18-month course consisting of 8 intensive weekend seminars designed to deepen your experiences as both therapist and client. Later, learn how to build your own healing groups with Personal Transformation Intensive (PTI) Leadership Training. Once these levels are completed, you can be invited to participate in deep dives into Jungian psychology in our Mentors Program
The Wellness Institute has been at the cutting edge of training therapists in transformational techniques for several decades. The breadth and depth of our programs is unparalleled. Find out for yourself!